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 Character Stories

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Posts : 20
Join date : 2009-04-20

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PostSubject: Character Stories   Character Stories I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 12:46 am

I was wondering if there was anywhere to post character stories on the boards? I haven't been able to find any postings and just thought that it might help motivate people to get garb and generally more organized if we had a place to share our character backgrounds.
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Mordy the Gnome

Mordy the Gnome

Posts : 107
Join date : 2009-05-02
Age : 31
Location : Las Vegas

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PostSubject: Re: Character Stories   Character Stories I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2009 4:57 pm


The bastard son of Conner DinsFire. His real name is Patrick but after running away from home when Conner was
drafted into the army, he adopted the name for a better taste of danger. After fending for himself in the forest
with a stick he found from the ground, he reached the ocean. Far off into the vast blue waters, a tiny merchant
ship made it self visible, heading for its homeland. Mordock swam out into the ocean, following it all the way to
the port town of Bara'dun. ( the last part is myth, real story- the ship was just off shore when Mordock had
"hitched ride". Once on board, the captain told him of the great fighters, starting an army in Bara'dun. He armed
Mordock with a gladius he had acquired during his many travels.) Upon arrival, Mordock sent out in seek of this
soon to be great militia.

just a draft...
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