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 Character exercise

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Prysm Stormfallen
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Demie Zephyra
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PostSubject: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 7:20 am

Hey I was on the Dag forums and I saw this little exercise. It makes you think about both you and your character that you are portraying.

Physical description: 5'11/195 lbs, Short black hair, wears glasses when not in combat

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames: James Stoneheart, aka Templar; Sometimes Keifie-Keif x]

Your weapon of choice: Spear

Any other weapons you are proficient with: Red Hammer of BANISHMENT!!!!

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear: Templar tabard, Royal army tabard, black shorts, Red/White pants, fights barefoot otherwise wears sandles lol

Any titles you may have: Official Templar of Barad'dun, Initiate of the Royal Army

also, ''CRAP WHERES OUR SPEARMAN?!?!'' has been thrown around lol

Any lands you may be "wanted" in: Nope Surprised I'm a good boy lol

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined): Sadly no x]

Any war cry you are likely to make: None yet

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"):
Easily distracted [Demie Knows], lets guard down real easily

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc:
Mountains and any kind of town/city

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.): English and Dwarven

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.): Timid, cautious, friendly and open

Last edited by Hxctemplar on Thu May 27, 2010 6:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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edgar dernhelm

edgar dernhelm

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 8:11 am


physical description:6'1/260 lbs long dark brown hair and a goatee,bright blue eyes almost silver at times.

full dag name:edgar dernhelm,ronin,last samurai grrrrrrr!!!!! Razz dam romeo Razz

weapon of choice:eastern style sword known as a nodachi mwahahahaha 6 and a half feet of death(red swords)

other proficient wepons: twin kodachis short curved blades,naginata(polearm),and two handed long swords.

armor,garb,attire:black and red hakama,black shirt,and wood block sandles(when traveling),red and black samurai iron plate armor chest protector arm gaurds,shoulder pads,shin and leg gaurds(when in battle),red and black or blue and black silk robes with sandals(when at a feast or other event though sandals would be romoved while in doors Razz)

titles: royal army initiate as far as dag/character was a captain in rohirin military

criminal past:exiled twice from rohan once wrongly second time was a mercifal punishment for murder.

romantic involvements:....hmmmmm Razz is yet undetermined Razz

war cry:none kills stoicly without a sound or expresion

weaknesses:sake Razz and extream depresion to the point of random uncharacteristic outbursts(extreamly rare has only happened once in the characters history thus far),and unwillingness to open up to anyone he will likely never volunter any personal information to anyone ever again but we shall see.

prefered suroundings:a diferent location every week but prefers plains and light forests

languages:english and bad japanese Razz still workin on it Razz

personality:quiet,depresed,insanely loyal,somewhat obsesive,philosophical,and intelligent yet airheaded:P.edgar is a great guy who has lived through hell and came out badly beatin he is willing to offer his help to ppl in need most of the time but on bad days is a person you should not speak to with wreakless abandon his emotional scars run deep and because he has shut himself off from others will likely never heal in short there are 2 very diferent sides to edgar on the 1 hand he is a friend without equal if hed let himself be anyones friend and a cold indiferent man to anyone he does not respect.

well thats pretty much it i guess Razz what ya think ???? Smile

Last edited by edgar dernhelm on Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:56 am; edited 2 times in total
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Demie Zephyra

Demie Zephyra

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 8:25 am

Physical Description: 5 ft/ 160 lbs. >.> Short and chubby. Long brown hair, brown eyes.

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames: Demie Zephyra

Your weapon of choice: Blue sword

Any other weapons you are proficient with: Bow and arrows

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear: White shirt, green pants, and brown boots. Sometimes a cloak, skirt, and cincher. Always has a silver ring.

Any titles you may have: Initiate of the Royal army

Any lands you may be "wanted" in: Nope.

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined): With a boy who probably will have nothing to do with Dagorhir besides the occasional Saturday attendance.

Any war cry you are likely to make: Silent killer, thanks.

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"): Cute animals. Short stature. >.>

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc): Forest or coastal areas.

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.): English. Knows some Japanese. Has a certain odd accent on certain words.

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.): Friendly, sarcastic, confident, and usually pretty happy. Usually.
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 8:31 pm

Physical Description: 6'2'' 290 lbs. short brown hair, tall, hazel eyes

Dag Name: Seamus "Sasquatch" Morrison, Sasquatch if your not my clan

Weapon of choice: Killer with any two hander since my beehive died.

Other Weapons:Was learning small punch shield and sword ,spears, javalins

Attire:Kilt, red shirt because i'm always gunna die but die swingin.


Criminal past:None just left the clans land they're pretty strict there

Romantic Involvements: Nope but always lookin

War Cry:Smash thru the enemy...just thought of it

Weakness:Impatient in a fight, Hard time listening in a fight, and watchin for f****** archers

Preffered Terrain: plains and mountains

Language: English and bad english

Attitude: Never give up always fight the odds, will always help a friend or team mate, and seething hate towards my enemies, mostly happy though

I hope this is good
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 9:55 pm

Physical description:

6'; Heavy Build, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames:

Full Name:

Lord Varno Anga, son of Neld,
Iron Guard and Protector of the House of Iron,
Initiate of the Royal Army of Barad'Dun.

Nickname: Knubbs

Your weapon of choice:

Red Sword

Any other weapons you are proficient with:

Blue Sword, Spear, Glaive, Dagger, Javelin

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear:

Garb:Tans, Greys, Reds, and Blues; Metal armor involving both chain and plate; Feast: Breastplate over surcoat

Any lands you may be "wanted" in:

Any with anger against Barad'Dun. My noble family has protected the city for a multiple generations.

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined):

I am an un-attached Lordling.

Any war cry you are likely to make:

Barad'Dun!!!!!; Silence (This is my favorite)

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"):

Archers..... Razz

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc:

Mountains and Desert are favored being as that i was born into them.

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.):

Very Loud

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.):

Proud but accepting and talkative.
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 7:40 pm

so basically when you are typing you character kinda do it like a D&D sheet but with a story to it?
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 7:53 pm

yup pretty much Surprised
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 8:07 pm

Name:: Akeria Toliken

character :: 5”6, she has a pet farret named tucket

Hair:: straight Brown

Eyes:: Blue

Weapon of choice:: archery / side arm, Florentine ((machetes look up full metal panic second raid to understand why)
she’s very elegant the way she battles its more of a dance than a fight to her.

Garb:: a lot of color but not really bright colors more faded and with a lot of earth tones. A lot of greens and browns.

Title:: black lions Lady.

Any romantic involvements you may have :: my one and only Takeko (( taco))

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having:: easily distracted frequently having my guard down.

Your preferred home terrain:: mostly in forests in trees or mountains.

Personality:: a nature hippy kind of like Crysta from furn gully she has a heart for every living creature and will stand up and fight for those who act against it. She is curious, kind hearted,friendly but somewhat shy.
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 9:27 pm

Physical description: 5'10/155 lbs, Short dark brown hair

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames: Surt, Surtur, Adunakhor, and asshole.

Your weapon of choice: anything thats not broken.

Any other weapons you are proficient with: ok sometimes if they're broken.

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear: studded leather, chainmail, and anything that isn't too badly ripped.

Any titles you may have: Adunakhor of the Royal Army of Bara'Dun, President of the Chapter of Bara'Dun, and member of the Blood Pact and friend of the Fianna.

Any lands you may be "wanted" in: maybe sexually. Wink

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined): i don't kiss and tell. but ya we banged.

Any war cry you are likely to make: i'll sing black betty from time to time.

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"):
i'm allerigic to bees! im kind of a drunk and a whore. pretty girls.

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc:
anywhere strategery(i know its not spelled this way.) can be used! i hate fighting in open ground with no obstacles. wheres the fun in that?

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc. i speaka da engrish. and i suppose bara'dunian.

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc. oh i don't know. you tell me. my character is just a fantasy version of myself.

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Demie Zephyra

Demie Zephyra

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 5:51 am

So, apparently, Surt's fantasy is to be a drunken town manwhore?
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 6:37 am

Physical description: 6 foot; long, dirty blonde hair(Emphasis on dirty pirat )

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames: Strider, the Golden Shadow of Barad'Dun / A liar, thief, murderer, member of the rebel alliance, and a traitor(take him away!(But not really a traitor))

Your weapon of choice: Blue sword

Any other weapons you are proficient with: All-round weapon enthusiast

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear: Leather(If ever I did wear armor), desert colors or black and gold, nice red doublets and what not.

Any titles you may have: Pretty much anything you could pull out of my previous statements

Any lands you may be "wanted" in: Are you a sheriff? You have sheriff hair....

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined): I go where I want, like the wind Cool

Any war cry you are likely to make: Occasionally a Donkey Kong taunt here and there - HOOOOO! <--If you don't know what I'm talking about.

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"): I worry about my team mates more than myself sometimes and get thwomped.

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc.): Forests and deserts are good.

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.): Not unless I was purposefully doing a stupid impression. Some say I come off as an asshole, but I don't think that's a language quirk....

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.): Well, I'm a fun-loving guy and very passionate about things I need to accomplish for my personal self. As for the battlefield, I watch out for my mates and hate to let them down.
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 6:54 am

Strider wrote:

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"): I worry about my team mates more than myself sometimes and get thwomped..

Character exercise Thwomp10

Well would you look at that lol
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 6:51 pm

what can i say. i didn't make up a character from scratch. i based my character on me. king
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Demie Zephyra

Demie Zephyra

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 8:24 pm


So you are a drunken manwhore?
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edgar dernhelm

edgar dernhelm

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 11:12 pm

LOL lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 12:07 am

Man whores can be fun.... ha ha ha. but not for me i'm with taco..... ( *whispers* call me ) jk jk jk jk
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 12:09 am

Hxctemplar wrote:
Strider wrote:

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"): I worry about my team mates more than myself sometimes and get thwomped..

Character exercise Thwomp10

No literally, A Thwomp drops down on me if I don't look out for em. ERHG!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 12:10 am

Hxctemplar wrote:
Strider wrote:

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"): I worry about my team mates more than myself sometimes and get thwomped..

Character exercise Thwomp10

Well would you look at that lol

No literally, A Thwomp drops down on me if I don't look out for em. ERHG!!!
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Demie Zephyra

Demie Zephyra

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2010 1:48 am

Akeria wrote:
Man whores can be fun.... ha ha ha. but not for me i'm with taco..... ( *whispers* call me ) jk jk jk jk

Manwhores can be very fun.

Haha. Look but don't touch. That's my motto.

Or rather...

Look, touch, and flirt. Just don't bring home to your own house.

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2010 3:55 am

I'm not sure why my post is up there twice............
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2010 6:36 am

because you stutter
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2010 9:40 am

Crying or Very sad
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Mordy the Gnome

Mordy the Gnome

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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 6:13 pm

Physical description:

5'11 & 2/4''(because one half isn't good enough) 141 lbs.; Brown eyes; Short Strawberry blond hair; A tad bit o' dirt on face

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames:


Full Name:

Mordock the Bum of the Beast Rider Bad Lands

Your weapon of choice:

The Bruiser (Red Mace) and Saber's Tooth

Any other weapons you are proficient with:

Your weapons, His weapons, and her weapons too!

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear:


Any lands you may be "wanted" in:

Every region I've ever been, Morarda to Lyg Lambe, Alkarondas to Atlante. I'ma tryin' not ta get the boot here.

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined):

The Sickly Ward for whom I hunt for, gentle but bittersweet.

Any war cry you are likely to make:


Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"):

.....Whiskey? maybe a tad.... Threats against the girlies and shallow chivalry.

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc:

I adapt, but the city life - boy, I tell ya, its a grand one.

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.):

I talks to fast sometimes, big deal

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.):

I'm daring in the least, took me shield from a giant in the Morarda Mountains. Took me weeks to git bett'r from that one... A little impersonal....maybe...
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2010 3:18 am

Physical description:

5'4" 160lbs, brown hair, greenish brown eyes, Scruffy:D

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames:

Full Name:

Prince "Caretaker" Gaoeous

Nickname: Caretaker

Your weapon of choice:

Sword and board

Any other weapons you are proficient with:

Javi's, Spears, and Glaives

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear:

Basic tunic, boots, belt, plaid pants, headband. (chainmail wanter)

Any lands you may be "wanted" in:

Nope:D I don't think im unloved.

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined):

None:D Just the love for my brother, Father, and brothers-in-arms.

Any war cry you are likely to make:


Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey"):

Losing my legs easily.

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc:

Wooded areas and forests. I hide in treesz!!!

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.):

Randomly quiet and randomly obnoxious.

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.):

Happy, positive, Flexible, molds to those around him.
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PostSubject: Re: Character exercise   Character exercise I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 9:01 pm

Hey I was on the Dag forums and I saw this little exercise. It makes you think about both you and your character that you are portraying.

Physical description: 5'6" slight build, 123 lbs.

Your full Dag name/what you are generally called/any nicknames: Katsuhiro Yukimura Baka (Katsu for short)

Your weapon of choice: Anything I can get my hands on, though usually a sword and shield.

Any other weapons you are proficient with: Spear, two handed sword, bow, dagger.

The types of armor/garb/feast attire you'd typically wear: Black composite armor chest piece, generally attired in black and purple or black and white fighting garb. Feast garb consists of a black velvet shirt with a white vest over that and a black pair of Hakama.

Any titles you may have: Lord of Argentiwood, Mirmidon, and Shady Vale, Captain of the Queen's Royal Guard, Head Marshal of Shannara (all belegarth given titles)

Any lands you may be "wanted" in: Guilty of multiple counts of murder, conspiracy to assassinate a public official, assassinating a public official, in the Lands of Shannara. However, no bounties have been issued.

Any romantic involvements (preferably with other Dag players) you may have (either real or imagined): Not at the moment no.

Any war cry you are likely to make: Just a simple cry.

Any weaknesses you'd see yourself as having (like Blackhawk's would be "whiskey") Has trouble distinguishing friend from foe.

Your preferred home terrain (mountains, tundra, desert, jungle, plains, forest, etc: Desert/mountains.

Any language quirks your character might have (accents, bad English, different tongues altogether [which would be translated for ease of reading, of course], etc.): Common and various bits of other languages.

What your character is like in general (moody, sullen, comical, daring, boastful, oafish, etc.): Cold and merciless. "Anything which stands before me is to be crushed underfoot."
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